Diligence Labs Backend

The Problem

Diligence Labs was interested in backend and frontend work to support a large project doing natural language processing and image analysis of social media posts. However, they did not have the necessary staffing to complete this on the schedule they wanted.

The purpose of this project was to develop a system to help users analyze all of their postings on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to help them find content that might be considered objectionable.

Thus, the problem to be solved was two-fold. First, I had to temporarily integrate with the existing development team. Secondly, I had to create the backend for their product.

The Process

I worked with their CEO, Dan, as well as one of their developers, Dave, to hammer out an overview of requirements for the project. Then, I remained in constant communication with the both of them as the project progressed and evolved to make sure the code I was delivering met their needs.

As their needs evolved I took over main responsibility for both their frontend and backend services.

The Solution

Since we knew this project was large and had a potential for many changes as we worked through it, we agreed to an hourly rate since it would be nearly impossible to develop a fixed-price contract. I sent invoices to Diligence a couple of times per month.

With a lot of collaboration, I delivered a complete backend server package to handle the evolving set of requirements.